There are so many organisations, services, programs and resources available to support people from every type of community, or needing almost any type of support, with their mental health needs, or to share with friends and family.
Many of us don't know who they are, what they do or where to find them though, which makes accessing and using them a challenge. To help with understanding the landscape of services, government programs, resources and other supports available, this directory is an ever-growing resource to keep in your back pocket, and share around.
Never be afraid, nervous or ashamed of asking for help, contacting an organisation or of starting a conversation with a mate, any day of the year. All of these organisations and resources are designed to offer support, it’s just a matter of finding what works for you…. so check them out, share and use them… whenever you need.
This is by no means a complete directory of mental health services and organisations across all communities and needs, and it is always being updated. If you know of any orgs or groups that should be included, send me an email to let me know - craigontoast@gmail.com
Mental Health Services Directory
1. IMMEDIATE SUPPORT - 24/7 Services for immediate support
2. R U OK? - Supporting someone who needs it
7. YOUTH mental health resources
8. MEN
Lifeline - Phone - 13 11 14 , Live Chat and Text Chat
24/7 personal crisis support and suicide prevention services. People call Lifeline’s 24 hour crisis line 13 11 14 about:
Suicidal thoughts or attempts, Personal crisis, Anxiety, Depression, Loneliness, Abuse and trauma, Stresses from work, family or society, Self-help information for friends and family.
Suicide Call Back Service Phone, Live Chat, Video Chat
Anyone who is feeling suicidal
Anyone who is worried about someone
Anyone who is caring for someone who is feeling suicidal
Anyone who has lost someone to suicide
Health professionals supporting people who are affected by suicide.
Kids Helpline 1800551800
is Australia’s only free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
1800RESPECT 1800 737 732, Live Chat
24/7 crisis support for sexual assault and domestic or family violence, and their friends and family.
- Information: On sexual assault, domestic and family violence, abuse, and other issues.
- Referral: Putting you in touch with people and services that can help you
- Counselling: What you talk about and how much you say is up to you. Workers and professionals can also use this service.
MensLine Australia 1300 789978 , Live Chat
24/7 support specialising in mens mental health, lifestyle impacts and risks.
MensLine Australia’s professional counsellors are experts in men’s mental health, anger management, family violence (using and experiencing), substance abuse, healthy relationships and integrated wellbeing.
Health Direct Comprehensive Mental Health Helpline List
There are several organisations that provide much of the support and education for people with mental illness and their families and carers throughout Australia. Some of the main groups are listed here
Every day is a great day to have a conversation that helps a friend, and asking “R U OK” and talking can be easier and more powerful than we think.- no-one needs to have the answers, and if you’re not sure how to ask, or what to do check out the 4 Steps to a Conversation for advice on how to Ask, Listen, Encourage Action and Check In.
Visit R U OK? for more resources and tips on how to talk to friends and family, and to share from the LGBTI Hub and other content like the R U OK Podcast Series – Thanks for asking , or to book an Ambassador for an event, media or talks by emailing hello@ruok.org.au
Mental Health is complex, and the more we talk the more we can break down stigma, create more understanding, help people connect and feel able to help when it is needed most. Check out my blog on why I became an R U OK Day Ambassador
Better Access Initiative ( Medicare)
If affordability is a concern when it comes to counselling or psychology services, Medicare funds up to 10 sessions p/year under the Better Access Initiative. Start with talking to your GP for a referral and about Better Access.
More information can be found at http://www.health.gov.au/mentalhealth-betteraccess and
Health Direct Australia is a free government funded service that offers 24/7 health advice and information on all health needs and concerns, acts as a referral service and includes comprehensive directories.
Mental Health https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/mental-health-helplines
Mental Health Directory https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/mental-health-where-to-get-help
Community Services Directory - https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/community-mental-health-services
Mental Health and Wellbeing Directory https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/mental-health-and-wellbeing
Download App https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/health-app
The Mental Health Line ( NSW only) 1800 011 511
24/7 service operating across NSW which offers:
professional help and advice
referrals to local mental health services.
It is staffed by mental health professionals who will ask questions to determine if you or, the person you are concerned about, needs ongoing mental health care and how urgently it is needed. They can put you in contact with the most relevant mental health service for children, teens, adults and older people.
Alcohol and Drug Support and Treatment
Health Direct also includes contacts for drug and alcohol dependance support, and details state and territory-based services that offer information, advice, referral, intake, assessment and support. More information on various services is available in the links.
Head to Health can help you find digital mental health services from some of Australia’s most trusted mental health organisations.
Provided by the Australian Department of Health, Head to Health brings together apps, online programs, online forums, and phone services, as well as a range of digital information resources. Whether you are trying to improve your own sense of wellbeing, looking for help with something that is bothering you, or helping someone you care about—Head to Health is a good place to start.
Office of the eSafety Commissioner
Thanks to the Office of the eSafety Commissioner Australia has some of the best online safety and wellbeing resources in the world.
Report online abuse for investigation advice - both for minors and adults 18+
Advice, information about social media platforms and safety tips aimed at kids, parents and educators
The Wellbeing Hub brings those resources together in one place to make it easier for all Australians to get the right information and support when they need it.
Mr Perfect’s Mental Health Landscape
An excellent directory to Australia's Mental Health Landscape, including organisations of all shapes, sizes and services that offer support to different communities all around the country
The WayAhead Directory ( NSW only)
The WayAhead Directory is a comprehensive online database used to find local services, to make referrals and access mental health information and resources.
It contains up to date information on over 5,600 mental health related and community services primarily in New South Wales. The WayAhead Directory is free to access for people living with a mental health condition, carers, service providers, health care professionals and the general public.
is equipping Australia's diverse communities with the knowledge and skills to protect their own mental health. Beyond Blue offer a huge range of services, suppport and resources to manage anxiety, depression and suicide prevention for people of all ages, genders, sexual preferences and cultural backgrounds.
Services include Online Chat Forums, Staying well planning tools and recovery resources and NewAccess - a free service that provides support in the form of a coach who will guide you in setting practical goals that will help get you back on track.
Black Offers a number of self help tools, apps, programs and support services to help people living with mental health better understand and manage on a day to day basis. In addition to support groups, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander services, education and training programs and clinical research. Self Help tools include:
My Compass - designed to address mild to-moderate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression through personalised treatments delivered entirely online.
BITE BACK an online interactive space of activities, videos and fact sheets that support learning how to increase your levels of wellbeing, deal with stress and harness your strengths so you can live your best life.
Ibobbly - a social and emotional wellbeing self-help app for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians aged 15 years and over.
Grow is a community organisation that has connected tens of thousands of Australians through a unique program of mutual support, personal development, face-to-face meetings and online services for mental health support. Established in Sydney in 1957 by founders with lived experience of mental illness, the wisdom they gained in helping each other to overcome life’s challenges and recover from mental illness was carefully recorded and forms the basis of the unique Grow Program - now established in Australia, Ireland, America, Trinidad & New Zealand.
Services include Face-to-Face and Online Meetings , Young Adult Groups , Residential Rehabilitation Program , Carer Program , Supported Accommodation
Mental Health Online provides comprehensive and effective online services and programs free of charge. If you’re experiencing mental distress, our services can help you understand and address your needs through self-assessment, self-help and, if you choose, online professional support.
An initiative of Swinburne University’s National eTherapy Centre (NeTC) and funded by Australia’s Federal Department of Health.
Check out the Mental Health Online Facebook Page for other ongoing initiatives and new programs.
MindSpot is a free service for Australian adults who are experiencing difficulties with anxiety, stress, depression and low mood.
Mindspot provides assessment and treatment courses, or can help you find local services that can help.
Mind Australia is one of the country's leading community-managed specialist mental health service providers - providing specialist counselling, therapies to address more complex behaviours and needs, and an approach to mental health and wellbeing that is based on a foundation of human rights and looks at the whole person in the context of their daily life. Support programs include helping people with the things that make them feel strong and healthy, such as being in control of their life, being resilient and participating in their community.
Mind also works with people to address poverty, housing, education and employment, and have practitioners able to provide specialist support to people who have intellectual disability along with mental ill-health.
Mind is a registered NDIS provider. If you have an NDIS package, ask about Mind’s NDIS funded services.
SANE 1800 187 263
SANE offers a support line and service, community forums for peer support.
More broadly SANE is primarily a mental health advocacy and organisation working with media, workplaces and other organisations to reduce stigma reduction, improve representation of mental health by the media and fund research and advocacy work.
Mentally Healthy is a movement to improve the creative, marketing and advertising industry’s capacity to cope with and improve our levels of mental health. Mentally Healthy is driven by a passionate group of volunteers who are focused on empowering the creative, media and marketing industry to smash the stigma around mental health. It’s guided by UnLtd, Never Not Creative and Energx who provide resource, leadership and facilitation.
Everymind works with Commonwealth and State governments, philanthropic organisations, research institutions, non-government organisations and businesses, to develop and roll-out innovative and effective mental health and suicide prevention programs.
Founded by AFL player Jake Edwards, OTLR works with all types of sports clubs, from community to professional, all around Australia to develop and support the overall health and wellbeing of players of all ages and levels through education, mentoring, tools and networks.
Rural Adversity Mental Health Program (RAMHP)
A major project of the Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health (CRRMH). RAMHP has 20 Coordinators based across regional, rural and remote NSW who inform, educate and connect individuals, communities and workplaces with appropriate services and programs.
We link people to local mental health services and resources, we educate workplaces and communities about mental health and wellbeing and we respond in times of natural disasters and severe adversity. Click here to find out more.
The Men’s Heath Education Rotary Van
The Men’s Heath Education Rotary Van is a Rotary project made possible by fundraising, generous sponsorships and time freely given by hundreds of Rotary volunteers.
A custom built caravan with a dedicated Registered Nurse travels the state of New South Wales offering free health screenings to regional and rural men, who are notorious for being completely in the dark about the state of their health.
Stand By - Support After Suicide
Standby offers support anyone who has been impacted by suicide at any stage in their life, including:
Individuals, families and friends
Schools, workplaces and community groups
Frontline responders and service providers
provides support to people who are bereaved by suicide, including friends, family and young people.
They also offer education and training to health, education and welfare organisations to build capacity for the support of those affected by suicide.
Your employer may have an EAP partner that gives you access to a set number of free counselling and psychology consultations. If you're unsure, just ask or search your company intranet if you have one.
Indigenous Allied Health Australia
A national, member-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health organisation. IAHA leads sector workforce development and support, to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
A not for profit organisation which aims to contribute to the broader social wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people:
reducing the high rates of suicide through the delivery of a critical response service to support individuals and families affected by a suicide or other traumatic incidents
providing social support, practical assistance and advocacy support to affected individuals and families
building the capacity of local communities and service providers to care for and respond to social disadvantage, including suicides and traumatic incidents in their community
strengthening individual, family and community resilience and social wellbeing, and
contribute to addressing the social disadvantage needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities
A national advocacy platform and touchpoint for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBQTI) peoples. We support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBQTI people through a variety of community projects and initiatives that we have, and continue, to develop.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Resource and Contacts Hub ( Beyond Blue)
Reducing the impact of depression and anxiety among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities is a priority for Beyond Blue. A range of research, information, education and support strategies have been developed and will continue to be developed in consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations.
Your Room provides information to support Aboriginal people in NSW in reducing the harms caused by alcohol and drugs and to help our mob become healthier.
National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)
NACCHO is the national peak body representing 143 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHSs) across the country on Aboriginal health and wellbeing issues.
An Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service is a primary health care service initiated and operated by the local Aboriginal community to deliver holistic, comprehensive, and culturally appropriate health care to the community which controls it, through a locally elected Board of Management.
LGBTQIA+ Multicultural Support Directory.
This resource contains information related to religious groups, cultural groups and sporting groups that are specifically for LGBTQI+ individuals, with the aim of providing assistance and social support, primarily in but not limited to NSW
A great directory of national and state based services and groups available to support all members of the LGBTI+ community.
ReachOut is a youth service, however many orgs listed are designed to support people of all ages.
QLIfe - 1800 184 527
Phone on online chat.
QLife provides anonymous and free LGBTI peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships. LGBTI+ service similar to Lifeline.
Information, Support & Services for LGBTI+ Australians - includes resources, links and useful information on mental health, sexual health and alcohol and drugs.
Minus18 tackles bullying and discrimination by creating spaces where LGBTQIA+ youth belong and can connect with others. Events, Workshops, Education and Campaigns
Australia’s first and only National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Trans* and Intersex (LGBQTI) Suicide Prevention National Advocacy Platform and National Touchpoint.
A Sydney based Culturally & Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Queer & Trans Migrant same sex attracted Women's Support Group.
The mission of SheQu is to inspire and give voice to LGBT+ Women from Multicultural Background, by helping, supporting and promoting them. We do this by creating events, workshops and advocacy dedicated only for queer women from ethnic backgrounds.
www.shequgroupinc.org or https://www.facebook.com/groups/shequgroup/
Specialises in working with and supporting the Transgender community and is committed to developing and providing services and activities, which enhance the ability of people with gender issues to make informed choices. We offer a wide range of services to people with gender issues, their partners, family members and friends in New South Wales.
Intersex Peer Support Australia
Intersex Peer Support Australia is an intersex peer support, information and advocacy group for people born with variations in sex characteristics and their families. Formerly known as http://www.aissga.org.au/
Intersex Human Rights Australia
IHRA connects and builds the Intersex community in Australia and works to:
support and empower intersex individuals and their families including through the use of online forums, social activities and face to face meetings;
provide information, education and advice on issues relating to intersex including through the internet, printed material and face-to-face meetings;
increase the support, awareness and commitment of individuals, community, business, medicine and government, with respect to the human rights of, and legal protections for, people who are intersex and services appropriate for them;
Positive Life NSW is a non-profit peer-led community-based agency. We work to promote a positive image of people living with and affected by HIV with the aim of eliminating prejudice, isolation, stigma and discrimination. We provide information and targeted referrals, and advocate to change systems and practices that discriminate against people living with HIV (PLHIV), our friends, family and carers in NSW.
National Association of People with HIV Australia (NAPWHA) is Australia’s peak non-government organisation representing community-based groups of people living with HIV (PLHIV). NAPWHA’s membership of national networks and state-based organisations reflects the diverse make-up of the HIV-positive community and enables NAPWHA to confidently represent the positive voice in Australia.
R U OK? LGBTI Resources
Our LGBTI friends, family, adopted families and loved ones matter us. Ensuring they are supported, they feel connected and they feel a sense of belonging and identity matters to us. We want to ensure the people who make up our LGBTI community are protected from the path to suicide.
To show them how much they matter – we check in and start regular meaningful conversations. We learn that asking “Are you OK” is easier and more powerful than we think, and we educate ourselves on what support is available. We want this community to hear, see and believe how much we support them and to know that we are genuinely here to listen.
Beyond Blue LGBTI Resources
Beyond blue advocates for non-discriminating communities, systems, policies and institutions, because we know discrimination can lead to mental health conditions and suicide. Resources and contacts are available to support all members of the LGBTI community, including the youngest members and rainbow families.
Wingman - Beyond Blue Mental health resource for gay men.
Here’s why I helped Beyond Blue launch Wingman in 2017. Interview – Star Observer – Beyond Blue Wingman Launch
#ChatSafe Guidelines : A young person’s guide for communicating safely online about suicide
The #ChatSafe have been developed by Orygen Youth Mental Health as a guide for parents, schools, media and organisations to minimise risk, harm, and confusion when communicating with children and young people about mental health and suicide.
#ChatSafe includes guidelines on considering the content you post, talking about content they may see, keeping language clear, simple and focussed when discussing suicide - or responding to someone who is / appears at risk, and resources to refer to and share.
Australia’s leading online mental health organisation for young people and their parents.
ReachOut’s practical support, tools and tips help young people get through anything from everyday issues to tough times – and the information offered makes it easier for parents to help their teenagers, too.
is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds, along with assistance in promoting young peoples’ wellbeing.
Believe In A World Where Kindness And Respect Thrive Over Bullying, Hate And Prejudice And All Young People Are Free To Realise Their Potential
For Over 10 Years (!) PROJECT ROCKIT Has Been Empowering School Students To Stand Up To Hate Instead Of Standing By Watching. Through The Lens Of (Cyber)Bullying, Our Workshops Explore Themes Of Diversity, Belonging, Respectful Relationships, Values And Ethics, While Building Student Voice, Leadership And Empathy.
focuses on preventative education in the area of youth mental health. batyr provides programs that train young people to speak about their personal experience with mental ill health and start a conversation in their community. They also take speakers into schools, universities and corporate arenas to continue this conversation around mental health.
Office of the eSafety Commissioner
Thanks to the Office of the eSafety Commissioner Australia has some of the best online safety and wellbeing resources in the world.
Report online abuse for investigation advice - both for minors and adults 18+
Advice, information about social media platforms and safety tips aimed at kids, parents and educators
MumSpace supports the mental health and emotional wellbeing of pregnant women, new mums and their families.
MumSpace is designed to connect you quickly with the level of support you need, from advice and support in the transition to parenthood, to effective online treatment programs for perinatal depression and anxiety. The resources on MumSpace will help you ‘step-up’ to whichever level of support suits you best. MumSpace is also a resource for your healthcare professional.
Jean Hailes for Women's Health
A national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving women's health across Australia through every life stage.
We work in public health, research, clinical services and policy. We pride ourselves on producing practical and easy-to-understand information for women and for health professionals. We do this by translating research and medical evidence, delivered in many ways to suit our diverse audiences.
International Association for Premenstrual Disorders ( IAPMD)
A U.S based not-for-profit organization that aims to end suffering, stigma and silence for those affected by Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) and Premenstrual Exacerbation (PME) through peer support, education, research and advocacy. What began as a collective of fellow suffers has grown into a comprehensive, global community with members in around 100 countries creating a lifeline of support, information, and resources for anyone impacted by the core premenstrual disorders, and any subsequent mental health, social, personal risks.
The IAPMD believes in the fundamental right for women, trans-men, and non-binary individuals assigned female at birth to receive accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and social support for reproductive mental health and illness.
Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia (PANDA)
For 35 years PANDA has been supporting women, men and their families to recover from perinatal anxiety and depression with a range of professional health and mental programs, resources, services and community advocacy.
Centre of Perinatal Excellence (C.O.P.E)
Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE) is a not-for-profit organisation devoted to reducing the impacts of emotional and mental health problems in the pre and postnatal periods.
COPE provides a national, dedicated focus to perinatal mental health to address the identified issues that we know are currently preventing people from accessing timely and effective information and care.
The Centre for Women’s Mental Health ( Vic)
Provides specialist mental health care that includes psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, an infant mental health clinician and a psychiatric consultation-liaison nurse. The centre provides a range of individual and group-based treatments for our patients in four key areas:
Mental health in pregnancy
Mental health in parenthood
Mental health and cancer
Mental health and successful ageing
Depression and anxiety can affect women at any time in their life but there is an increased chance during pregnancy and the year following the birth of a baby. Up to 1 in 10 women experience depression while they are pregnant and 1 in 6 women experience depression during the first year after birth. Anxiety conditions are thought to be as common with many women experiencing both conditions at the same time.4
There are a range of ways in which you can care for your mental health to help improve your quality of life for you and the people you love. The important thing to remember is that effective treatments are available and, with the right care, most people recover.
Women’s Health & Family Services
WHFS is a not for profit organisation which has been providing services for Western Australian women since 1977.
Programs and Services at WHFS include medical, counselling, drug and alcohol support, domestic violence, mental health and other health services for women and their families. Creche facilities and interpreting services are also available.
Trademutt is an Australian Workwear brand that aims to make tradies and workers of all kinds look and feel great at work, and in doing so, reduce the rate of male suicide in Australia.
The loud and vibrant shirts act as a catalyst to starting the conversation around mental health in men, a topic that has been hard to approach in the past for blokes, mostly due to the attached stigmas and perceived weakness. TradeMutt also publishes a Blog, Podcast and regular tips and ideas for having mental health conversations.
Harden up. Suck it up. Man up. We’ve been telling our men this for years, but is it healthy?
Suicide is now the leading cause of death for Australian men aged 15-44. And alarming new research suggests that some men choose to take their own life, rather than appear weak by asking for help.
Man Up is a three-part documentary series and social awareness campaign funded by the Movember Foundation and hosted by Triple M radio personality Gus Worland. It aims to get to the bottom of the male suicide crisis, effect real social change and hopefully even save lives.
The leading charity changing the face of men’s health - in the areas of men’s mental health, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Movember knows what works for men – and what doesn’t. Movember
Give men the facts
Change behaviour for the better
Create services that work for men
Unite the brightest minds
Listen to the community and advocate for men.
Mr. Perfect is "Mental Health's Mate", a grassroots "pre-crisis" charity that creates community and connection by bringing men together at BBQs (and now online too) across Australia, to reduce isolation and encourage better mental health.
Josh Quarmby started Blokepedia as a blog in January 2017 with the aim of getting men talking about issues and topics that impact their lives, from mental and physical health through to relationships. This quickly grew into a unique mix of online and face to face resources for men, including regular events - creating a caring and supportive community that encourages each other to connect, openly share their stories and discuss the issues and topics that affect them.
MHS provides Australian men with access to professional medical consultation and treatment for specialised men’s health issues, including Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation and Testosterone Deficiency. MHS has a team of Doctors, Pharmacists, Researchers, and Men’s Health Professionals to provide uniquely expert, personalised care for patients.
Australia’s primary source of information about the social and psychological wellbeing of men and boys.
We provide news, commentary, articles, links and information about events, services, resources and newsletters covering a wide range of topics and issues of relevance to men and boys from newspapers, magazines, websites, books, journals, practitioners and institutions. Our mythbusters section critiques inaccurate, biased and stereotypical reports about men, boys and gender issues, and encourages factual reporting in stories concerning males.
The Australian Men’s Shed Association is the national service provider to more than 1000 Men’s Sheds in Australia – providing a meeting place, learning, practical support, community connection, productive environments, specialised services, resources and a place for men to talk.
The Men’s Shed exists because most men have learned from our culture that they don’t talk about feelings and emotions many do not take an interest in their own health and well-being.
The Fathering Project delivers resources, programs and events specific to the engagement style and needs of dads and father-figures. The resources and programs aim to inspire and equip dads and father-figures to be the best they can be and remind our dads and father-figures that they have an important role in building resilience, self-respect, positive self-worth and emotional intelligence in their children.
SMS4dads provides new fathers with information and connections to online services through their mobile phones. The text messages with tips, information and links to other services help fathers understand and connect with their baby and support their partner.
Mental Health Bodies
The SPA provides national leadership for the suicide prevention sector in Australia, working to develop a connected community of organisations and services that both work collaboratively, and individually, to create a broad, diverse, strong, category and support network.
Mindframe Media Reporting Guidelines
Mindframe media guidelines supports safe media reporting, portrayal and communication about suicide, mental ill-health, alcohol and other drugs. Mindframe develops research across mental health, digital, media and suicide prevention and aims to:
Provide leadership within the sector.
Build the capabilities of the sector and other stakeholders.
Innovate and disseminate education, resources and information.
Increase research to support the evidence base.
The National Mental Health Commission
The Commission monitors and reports on investment in mental health and suicide prevention initiatives, provides evidence based policy advice to Government and disseminates information on ways to continuously improve Australia’s mental health and suicide prevention systems, and acts as a catalyst for change to achieve those improvements.
This includes increasing accountability and transparency in mental health through the provision of independent reports and advice to the Australian Government and the community.
The Mental Health Commission of NSW
The NSW MHC is an independent statutory agency responsible for monitoring, reviewing and improving mental health and wellbeing for people in NSW. The Commission works with government and the community to secure better mental health and wellbeing for everyone, and availability of appropriate supports in or close to home when people are unwell or at risk of becoming unwell.
Male Suicide Prevention Australia
Established to pursue an evidenced based approach to male suicide prevention. It is funded by and operates under the auspices of the Australian Institute of Male Health and Studies (AIMHS). We rely on donations to continue this important work.
MSPA develop and publish a range of resources, including papers on the Situational Approach to Suicide Prevention. These papers offer international leadership in evidence informed and practical suicide prevention activity – see Resources – Resources and Papers / Report page on this site.
Mental Health Researchers
Life in Mind links policy to practice, communities to help-seeking and practitioners to best practice, with the aim of better supporting the sector and the community to respond to and communicate about suicide and its impacts.
Life in Mind supports coordinated, consistent messaging around suicide prevention through the operationalisation of the National Communications Charter. To support these objectives, Life in Mind aims to:
link policy to practice, communities to help seeking and practitioners to the evidence base through the online portal
support coordinated consistent messaging around suicide prevention through the operationalisation of the National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Communications Charter.
The Australian Foundation for Mental Health Research (AFFIRM)
The Australian Foundation for Mental Health Research is dedicated to understanding mental illness and finding ways to beat it. AFFIRM award funding each year to innovative research projects to further understanding and improve care for people living with anxiety, bipolar, depression and schizophrenia.
National Health and Medical Research Council ( NHMRC)
The NHMRC is the key driver of health and medical research in Australia. The NHMRC helps achieve the best health outcomes for Australians by funding research grants, disseminating evidence-based health advice to the community, via all levels of government and health professionals, advising the Australian Government and facilitatING networking in the research community to bring academics and industry together.
The Australian Foundation for Mental Health Research is dedicated to understanding mental illness and finding ways to beat it. We award funding each year to innovative research projects but rely on corporate and personal support.
Black Dog is dedicated to understanding, preventing and treating mental illness.
The primary areas of mental health research and treatment include: depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, workplace mental health, adolescents and young people, suicide prevention, e-mental health, and positive psychology and wellbeing.
Orygen provides specialist mental health services for young people, provides education and training, develops evidence based clinical research and initiates policy investigations and recommendations to improve care and support for youth mental health.
Orygen has delivered some major changes and innovations – transforming the way we support young minds.
is responsible for promoting online safety for all Australians.
The Office is committed to helping all Australians have safer, positive experiences online—co-ordinating and leading the online safety efforts of government, industry and the not-for profit community. It has a broad remit which includes providing:
a complaints service for young Australians who experience serious cyberbullying
identifying and removing illegal online content
tackling image-based abuse.
The Office also provides audience-specific content to help educate all Australians about online safety including young people, women, teachers, parents, seniors and community groups.
The National LGBTI Health Alliance is the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex people (LGBTI) and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people and communities.
ACON’s Pride Inclusion Programs
Pride inclusion programs offer a range of services to assist employers, sporting organisations and service providers with all aspects of LGBTI inclusion.
Pride in Diversity is the national not-for-profit employer support program for LGBTQ workplace inclusion specialising in HR, organisational change and workplace diversity.
Pride in Sport is the only sporting inclusion program specifically designed to assist National and State sporting organisations and clubs with the inclusion of LGBTQ employees, players, coaches, volunteers and spectators.
Pride in Health + Wellbeing is a national membership program that provides year-round support in the provision of LGBT inclusive services for those working within the health and wellbeing sector.
"A flat rollercoaster is just a slow, boring train to nowhere."
We are born with a roller coaster of emotions because we are meant to ride it. From the dark depths of sadness and shame to the starry heights of pride and joy, we’re meant to embrace, experience, understand and learn from all of our emotions. We’re just not meant to live in any of our emotions permanently.
It's ok not to be ok, but it's not ok to go through it alone, because you don’t have to.
Whether it’s a chat with a friend, using one of the many organisations, services and resources available, or talking to a professional - there’s lots of understanding, help and support available.