First Name
Last Name
The WellByTea Website ( url):
1. The elevator pitch - How would you describe your brand and products?
Who, why, what, who for, the opportunity etc
2. When did you launch WellByTea / how long have you been in market?
3. What motivated/ inspires you to build and grow the WellByTea brand and business?
What drives your passion / interest / energy?
4. Would you describe your teas as more for lovers of tea or holistic health and wellness?
5. What makes WellByTea unique and different to similar brands and products?
How is WellByTea different to similar teas and competitors?
6. What are the top 3 reasons that people should try WellByTea teas?
7. What do you want WellByTea to be known for?
8. What are some key traits or characteristics you want people to think and feel about WellByTea through the tone of voice, image style, language?
eg emotive v rational, fresh / young v traditional/older, conversational v informational, fun v serious, local v global, expertise v experimental etc
9. How accessible and timely is support with questions, concerns, complaints etc for available for consumers when needed?
10. What delivery options are available and what is the average delivery time frame?
11. Is WellByTea a member of or participate in any relevant industry groups or associations?
It's ok if not, and good to highlight on site if you do.
12. Does WellByTea support or participate in any local community, charitable or social groups or causes?
It's ok if not, and good to highlight in content if you do.
13. Where do you get your ideas for your tea blends, wellness problems to solve, new products to develop etc?
creative inspiration from other brands and/or competitors? tapping into wellness and/or tea trends and innovations? consultation and advice from experts you work with? talking with friends and others? etc
14. What expertise and experience is WellByTea guided by to ensure the efficacy of health - and taste - claims made?
How do we know they do what they say they do? That they're enjoyable? What type/s of experts do you consult with?
15. How are relevant experts consulted in the product development process to ensure efficacy, quality and of course great taste?
A collaborative development relationship? An advice and recommendation giving relationship?
16. How and where do you produce your teas?
Any unique, topical, interesting insights, approaches or details about the production process. eg Are ingredients sourced and tea production local? Are they organically grown? Are they grown with sustainable, green growing / farming practices
17. Is your packaging designed with sustainable, environmentally safe materials?
18. Any additional insights or details you'd like to share about the tea products.
19. The digital, social and content strategy is a plan to refresh the website and activate social media. The strategy is planned in 3 stages.
Confirm stages and add any additional details
20. What your priorities and expectations of the digital, social media and content strategy?
Rank in order ( 1 -6), add any additional priorities.
21. What does success of this strategy and work look like to you in 3 months, 6 months, 12 months?
eg subscriber growth, business growth, revenue and ROI goals, greater awareness etc
22. A brief SWOT analysis of the strategy, goals and aspirations for WellByTea
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats to the strategy and success
23. Who do you see as your audience and target market?
any specific demo / socio / geo graphic, interests, needs, lifestyle characteristics to focus on, prioritise, exclude, or be restricted by etc
24. Who do you see as your top 3 competitors and why?
Include Brands, website links ( optional) and a brief sentence to understand why.
25. Are there any specific legal, regulatory or best practice requirements that must met in regards to products or production in content, product descriptions, messaging, promotions, etc ?
eg health claim evidence compliance, allergen warnings, production practices, ingredient listing etc
26. Do you know of and/or follow any relevant industry media, experts, leaders, influencers, similar health and wellness brands that are useful be aware of?
How do you keep up with trends, innovations and industry news?
27. Are there any brands, products and/or influencers in particular who you admire the look/ feel / style of? Who?
Relevant to any brand style and tone aspirations for WellByTea
28. Any additional insights, details, useful information, questions or comments to be considered.